Something Borrowed, Something Blue

Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. My sentimental heart loves this sweet little rhyme.
I’m generally not superstitious, but I do love tradition. I find safety, connection, and predictability in this passing on of customs and beliefs. For generations, brides and grooms have abided by this list as a way to incorporate cherished people, objects, and memories into a sacred ceremony. Arguably, the most sacred of all ceremonies. A ceremony about new beginnings, new life, love, and commitment.
Rooted in Tradition
At our wedding, I wore my mother’s wedding dress, new shoes, and a turquoise necklace Tim had given me. Almost all of the decorations at our wedding were borrowed from many dear friends who contributed to our special day in precious ways.
When Natural Lifemanship formed a relationship with That’s the Dream Ranch, it was a new beginning for us, a wedding of sorts. This partnership is all about love and commitment and the building of a new life for our family, our business, and our community. The renovating and remodeling of the thirty year old, mostly furnished 12-bedroom inn, that we now call the NL HomePlace, was a labor of love – so much labor and so much love went into every single room. I have said many a time that each room has something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue – like any sacred experience should.
So, what is meant by this little rhyme? This Old English rhyme dates back to the 19th century and all meanings are just theory, so here are mine.
Something Old
I’m a huge fan of antiques – objects with a story that tether us to the past. Sometimes it feels easier to just burn it all and start fresh, but when we do that we lose the wisdom of those who have come before us. The wisdom of our fellow travelers who have prepared the way for us – who have walked the paths we tread. We also lose the profound learning and joy that comes when we repair a relationship, a life. . . or an armoire. Throughout the Inn we have done the painful work of choosing what goes, deciding what to keep, and what needs repair. Each room has something old – something from the past to remind you that you are not alone. Something with a story.
Something New
There’s nothing like the smell of a new car, a new saddle, a new home. Let’s face it, the musty smell of something old is no joke. The ozone machine has become an important member of the NL team here at the ranch. Something new represents hope for the future and an acceptance of where we are now – what is. The new allows us to embrace change and progress and possibility. As we purchased new furniture, bedding, and artwork, I held the belief close to my chest that healing is possible and that the old can be repurposed in a way that plays well with the new.
Something Borrowed
We need each other. We need support. Something borrowed is about having the humility to ask for help and accept support and nurture from others. It’s also about community and family – the kind we create. I have always dreamed of living in a neighborhood, where I could run next door to borrow a cup of sugar or a stick of butter. It is our dream to create this kind of home for you. Each room has something borrowed – something our NL family has contributed to our grand purpose.
Something Blue
Specifically, turquoise. . . the NL turquoise. Well, this is just good taste! Need I say more?
Welcome Home
It is our deepest desire that when you come through the gates of the NL Headquarters, you feel something right away. When you step foot on our land and cross the threshold of your bespoke room, you feel an energy that prepares. An energy that pierces your soul and prompts your heart to say, “I am safe here. I am protected. I am ready – to learn, to grow, to heal, and to transform.”
It is our desire that this place, our HomePlace, prepares the way – for profound growth that even extends to those whose feet may never touch this land – those whose lives you touch. Your life is our legacy – a responsibility we take very seriously and hold with great tenderness.
We have prepared this place so that you may find what your soul seeks – maybe a new beginning, a bit of healing and growth, a renewed sense of love for and commitment to yourself and others. May you connect with the deep history of this place, and with those who have come before you. May you find hope. May you be supported and nurtured. And may you grow to love turquoise. . . because that’s just good taste. 😉
May you be at home here. May you find true belonging here, at your HomePlace.
Also, if you register for an in-person training at the NL Headquarters in Brenham, Texas before December 31st of this year you will get free onsite lodging in our little inn.
I hope you can join us in 2024.